Hansel & Gretel
Once upon a time there was two chidren. This is hansel and this is his sister gretel one day they went to the forest ( look children the forest, one trees, two trees, three trees,four trees, five trees and six trees.
Gretel saw a big house made of candy and chocolate ( look children chocolate ( enseño bote and candies ( enseño chuches)
The house was green, purple, pink, red, blue, brown, white and orange. A good and kind witch lived in this house.The witch and two the children ate candies and chocolate ( um te relames)
Then the children went home with Daddy. (look children de forest, the tree, Hansel , his sister Gretel and Daddy)
The next day Hansel and Gretel went back to the witch´s house They were friends forever.
Once upon a time there was two chidren. This is hansel and this is his sister gretel one day they went to the forest ( look children the forest, one trees, two trees, three trees,four trees, five trees and six trees.
Gretel saw a big house made of candy and chocolate ( look children chocolate ( enseño bote and candies ( enseño chuches)
The house was green, purple, pink, red, blue, brown, white and orange. A good and kind witch lived in this house.The witch and two the children ate candies and chocolate ( um te relames)
Then the children went home with Daddy. (look children de forest, the tree, Hansel , his sister Gretel and Daddy)
The next day Hansel and Gretel went back to the witch´s house They were friends forever.
Donde y cuando: esta actividad es buena para hacerla en varios momentos:de la asamblea porque el niño se concentra mejor, después del patio y así se relajan para la comida y después de la siesta porque es calmada.
-La concentración
-Familiarizarse con la lengua inglesa
-Vocabulario de : La familia
Los colores
-Manipular distintas texturas
-Desarrollar la psicomotricidad fina y gruesa
Procedimiento: os niños sentados en circulo tienen que pintar la casa de chocolate. Mientras yo les voy dando a cada uno un poco de chocolate (liquido) para que lo prueben. Una vez pintada tendrán que pegar las chuches que se hará los mismo se les dará una a cada uno y mientras le vas dando la chuche para que la peguen preguntas : What color is it? this color is... oh it´s very beautiful ,...
Edad : 2-3 esta bien aunque puede ser para más edad si intentamos meter mas vocabulario.
Materiales: Chuches, casa grande, pegamento, chocolate
Variaciones: además de trabajar los colores en la casa se puede trabajar la ropa , los números, el campo, etc.
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